I spent about 2 hours finishing this up. So probably around 4 hours on the whole drawing. I know sketch books are usually places to do quick drawings, not really thorough rendered peices, but I feel I'm learning a lot from these studies. Working on getting different textures like stone, metal, plants, water ect. I'm really proud how this turned out. I like the little guy. I have a few more gargoyle pictures, maybe sometime i'll give them a try too. I think i'm going to take a break from really thorough drawings for a bit, however, and go back to some quick sketching studies.
I don't think I can articulate any other useful criticism. Really, superbly well done.
This is fantastic! Seriously, this looks like a photograph when you first see it! Only because I know it was a sketch, and because I was staring at it in awe, was I able to see that it wasn't a photo. Very well done =)
And truthfully, my sketchbooks are where I do most of my finished work *shrugs*
Susan is right. It has a great photographic quality. It has to do with your great command of values!
A follow up thought. As a challenge, set up a still life for your next sketch.
One of the problems with working from photographs is that the photographer has already solved some of the problems for you. Composition, in how they've framed the shot. POV. Lighting and values. Working from a real world still life you set up makes your brain solve these issues.
*dance* Gargoyles! ^__^ I love your drawing! The sheer Multitude of subjects makes gargoyles an awsome focus
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