Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Eh after I worked and then worked out I did not really feel like drawing much. I finished up my Envy drawing, but I really don't care for it. Her pose isn't really indicative of envy, and her face is rather flat. And it didn't capture the expression I wanted. And her hair looks silly. And her dress is kinda boring. In other words, I'll probably re-do her later. As I mentioned before, this isn't a journal for all finished works, so I'm posting my failures as well as my successes.

I had a request to post a review of Monster House, so here it goes. First of all, for being a kid's movie, it was really pretty creepy. It was a big house that ate people, and there was no pussyfooting around it like lots of movies do. No "oh and it was all a dream" or "only said kid can see it, nobody else". It was good though, lots of humor and good voice acting. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so I won't go into the plot too much.

Graphics wise, I was really impressed. We paid a bit extra so we could wear silly glasses and see it in 3-D. I personally thought it was worth it. Most of the 3-d was subtle, but in the beginning there was a really awesome display of leafs blowing in the wind that worked really well in 3-d. The animation was also very good. They took a sensible approach, I felt, in not trying to be overly realistic. They were able to get very beleivable characters, and very beleivable expressions. When animators try to get too life-like, such as in Polar Express, I tend to focus more on what flaws keep it from being perfect, instead of how good the animation is. People have real life to compare realistic animation to, so any flaw is really noticable. This movie took the road of The Incredibles and Shrek, producing amazing animation that actually looks like animation.

All in all I would recomend the movie. It really didn't feel too much like a kid movie. If anything it seemed aimed more at the 12-15 range then the really young children. Several puberty references and ackward teen-boy-girl moments. Entertaining and nice to look at, what else is there to ask for in a movie?


Anonymous said...

Woo, thanks for the review =) and if it means anything, I think you're at least off to a good start with envy. Keep it up hon!

Norm Dwyer said...

Hey! I'm glad you liked Monster House! I'll probably hold out and see it on DVD, but it sounds cool.

The sketch is a good start. Don't hesitate to use a model or photoreference for your sketching. In fact sublte emotions really demand sketching from life. This is why Disney (and other) animators would keep mirrors at their drawing tables - so they could reference themselves when they needed to understand a subtle moment or emotion. In this age of digital cameras you always have at least one model at hand, yourself! If you don't have tripod for your camera pick one up and snap some shots of yourself in poses. This lets you play more directly with lighting as well. And you've shown in your photography work that you are good at getting drama out of a scene with real people and lighting.

An even more intersting approach than using a digital camera is using a camcorder. I used to do this all the time when i was drawing comics. It was difficult sometimes to pick the best moment in an action shot to capture the moment. So I would video tape friends doing the action; running, jumping, fighting, posing, whatever. Often what i would find is the perfect moment happened between the poses. I suspect you will find the same thing here in trying to capture such subtle emotions as envy.

Good luck! Keep up the work. Every. Single. Day.

If you are doing an hour a day sketching now, try to bump that up to 2 hours in a couple of weeks. If you keep this up for 6 to 12 weeks you will see substantial improvements in your drawing and visualizing skills.

Christypbts said...

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