I decided to keep on a bit with the drawing of environments. This time I made it up entirely myself. I kinda based the idea off of Mercedes Lackey's Hawkbrother vales. They are essentially villages set into a forrest, and the people live in houses wrapped around trees. There is a lot of vegetation and hot springs. I had that in mind when drawing it, how I envision the environment.
See? You're improving rapidly. I'm impressed! Keep it up and I'm sure you'll be amazed with the results.
I like the composition of this. Very tight! Very imaginative.
If you want to challenge yourself grab some reference images off the web and do some sketch studies of details like tree bark, leaves, etc. Search Google Images or Flickr for photos of real forests, the redwoods of California. The rain forests of the Washington Olympic Peninsula. Also things like the Tree Elf city from the Lord of the Rings movies and the Ewoks city from Star Wars.
Then after that homework take another stab at this sketch. I would even recommend taking this to a full sketch illustration. It's kinda tight.
Also you might try to recreate the image as a Photoshop collage using images you find.
Just suggestions.
Good sketch!
Oooo, very cool.
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