Thursday, July 27, 2006
No art today. I cleaned all day and then when I sat down to draw, nothing would come to me. I just coudn't get into it. I have some vague markings on a page where I started to sketch a forest based on an image I found, but I just wasn't feeling it. its nothing dark enough to even scan in, it wouldn't show up. I carried around my sketchbook for 2 hours, trying to get inspired, it just wasn't happening tonight. I won't be posting for a few days either, I'm going to my boyfriends after work tomorrow. I'll hopefully draw when I'm up there, so I should have several pages to scan when I get home. Sorry about the lack of art today.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

bonus post to make up for missing several. I was doodling in photoshop. These are moon bears. They live on the moon and sing little songs all day that sound something like "loo loo loooo". Sometimes they wear fishbowls on their heads because they saw silly people walking around on the moon wearing them, so they thought it was the thing to do.

Eh after I worked and then worked out I did not really feel like drawing much. I finished up my Envy drawing, but I really don't care for it. Her pose isn't really indicative of envy, and her face is rather flat. And it didn't capture the expression I wanted. And her hair looks silly. And her dress is kinda boring. In other words, I'll probably re-do her later. As I mentioned before, this isn't a journal for all finished works, so I'm posting my failures as well as my successes.
I had a request to post a review of Monster House, so here it goes. First of all, for being a kid's movie, it was really pretty creepy. It was a big house that ate people, and there was no pussyfooting around it like lots of movies do. No "oh and it was all a dream" or "only said kid can see it, nobody else". It was good though, lots of humor and good voice acting. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so I won't go into the plot too much.
Graphics wise, I was really impressed. We paid a bit extra so we could wear silly glasses and see it in 3-D. I personally thought it was worth it. Most of the 3-d was subtle, but in the beginning there was a really awesome display of leafs blowing in the wind that worked really well in 3-d. The animation was also very good. They took a sensible approach, I felt, in not trying to be overly realistic. They were able to get very beleivable characters, and very beleivable expressions. When animators try to get too life-like, such as in Polar Express, I tend to focus more on what flaws keep it from being perfect, instead of how good the animation is. People have real life to compare realistic animation to, so any flaw is really noticable. This movie took the road of The Incredibles and Shrek, producing amazing animation that actually looks like animation.
All in all I would recomend the movie. It really didn't feel too much like a kid movie. If anything it seemed aimed more at the 12-15 range then the really young children. Several puberty references and ackward teen-boy-girl moments. Entertaining and nice to look at, what else is there to ask for in a movie?
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I had work today, so I just squeezed out one drawing before heading to Monster House tonight. Well I started another, but I don't really want to post it just yet. I decided I want to do some roughs of women depicting the 7 deadly sins. I might do a full group illustration, or just a series of colored ones or something. This is my initial try at Pride. Just a rough sketch. Working on envy right now. I'll probably post that tomorrow.
Monday, July 24, 2006

Another day, another post. I had today off so I should have drawn a whole lot. Instead I just drew a page of faces. I did work a bit on a Flash movie I did for class. I didn't finish it to my satisfaction, so I'm trying to do so now. So here are some faces. I was just trying to draw from weird angles such as from below and from above. I have a hard time with both of those. Some turned out better than others, obviously
Sunday, July 23, 2006

I know, I know, I'm not doing very well with the whole posting every day. I had three long days back to back, and now I'm too tired to draw. So as a consolation prize, I'm posting some "sketch photoshop work" as I am going to call it. The second two peices are ones my boyfriend and I worked on. We each picked a starting photo for the other, then swapped images every half hour, adding something new to them until we got tired. These are by no means finished work, and since we had time limits, some of the selections are shakey.
The top image is a composition I'm toying with, I just need to decide where to go with it. I just haven't had a chance to work on it more. This is pretty much a site for creative process, so this shows some of my photo manipulation creative process.
Thursday, July 20, 2006

I decided to keep on a bit with the drawing of environments. This time I made it up entirely myself. I kinda based the idea off of Mercedes Lackey's Hawkbrother vales. They are essentially villages set into a forrest, and the people live in houses wrapped around trees. There is a lot of vegetation and hot springs. I had that in mind when drawing it, how I envision the environment.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ok so my whole "posting every day" is off to a rough start. I have an excuse, that a major project came up last minute. I really did draw the next day, and I'm uploading those two pages now. I didn't get to draw yesterday due to finishing said project, then having to work til late. I didn't get home til almost 10:30, by then I was just exhausted and didn't even feel like scanning in the previous day's work, much less creating more. So I drew another page today, and am uploading three at once. I'll try to do better from now on.
The first image is a perspective study. I am not happy with it at all, but I figured I would post it just so this doesn't become a showcase of nothing but finished product. The point is supposed to show my creative process, and in my mind that means showing the rough spots as well.
The second two images are city scapes I pulled out of a "how to draw galactic worlds" book. I'm not the best at creating environments, particularly ones that involve made up structures or landscapes. I tried to personalize them a bit, but mostly they are just step by step drawings. I'm still pleased with the result, I think I learned a lot about how to draw and overview of a scene.
Sunday, July 16, 2006

This is the first post in my new sketch-blog. I am making it a new goal to post at least one page, if not more, every day. By that, I mean pages of my sketchbook. Nothing fancy, just whatever doodles I did. I'm hoping this will be a way to force myself to draw more, and not be lazy. If I have people bugging me that I didn't post anything in 3 days, maybe I will be inspired to step it up a bit. As a note to friends or family that visit this, please remember that I might be sending this to potential employers to show how my creativity flows. So if you make comments, keep them appropriate. Nothing rude or overly personal, please.
These two pages are from the past couple days and today. I got a new book on facial expressions, so I have been practicing with them. The picture of the woman is adding a body to the face and working on modifying it a little to suit the image, not just coppying the face exactly.
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