Ok, it's been a long time since I posted. I've been drawing some, but I've also been really busy. Work extended my hours from about 28 to 37 hours a week. On weekends I've been going off to cedar point in october, up to my old school, to friends, had my boyfriend over ect. Plus now that it's november, it's time for NaNoWriMo. I'm making a valient attempt at it this year, but I'm already behind. I have about 7,400 some words, and i should have about 19,000 at this point. But at least I'm finally writing the story i've been thinking about since LAST november. But unfortunately, since i'm now working three nine hour days a week, and have been having really busy weekends, I don't have a lot of free time in the evening. Drawing this month is falling a bit behind writing.
So on to a breif explanation of the drawings. Blogger posted them out of order for some reason, and i'm too lazy to try to fix it. The top one was done this weekend, it's a drawing of a dragon candle i have, and a little chinese dish that sits next to it. I got tired of drawing about the time i started on the dish, if you couldn't tell.
Next down are two cyborgs from the story i'm writing for nanowrimo. It didn't turn out at all like i wanted it to. I think i might take a figure drawing class. I didn't while i was in school, i didn't have the time and my school had weird rules about the number of art credits you could take if they did not apply directly to your major.
Next one was a really lame doodle that I spent no time at all on. It was really just a "i should draw, but i don't really feel like it" attempt, and probably wasn't worth posting, except that i figured since i was scanning things, I might as well.
Next down was from a couple weekends ago. My boyfriend and brother were playing video games and I felt like drawing, so this is a model out of a magazine. Her face isn't quite right, i think her mouth's lopsided. But since i only spent about an hour on it, i'm pretty happy with it.
The next three were from several weekends ago, at a friend's house. I felt like drawing at about 2 am but really lacked the mental capabilites to think of anything interesting, or draw with any finesse. So they are also pretty lame. So really in this whole batch there were only two drawings worth posting, but oh well. At least anyone who still bothers to read this knows i'm alive.